Bird and Landscape Painter

Marko Lammervo
Bird and Landscape Painter

Marko Lammervo is one of the most famous bird painters in Finland. During his career, he has also achieved recognition outside of his home country.

Lammervo was born in 1969 in Tampere, Finland. When he 20 years old, he decided to make painting his full-time profession. His supporter in the early days was art consultant Kari Tuominen, who helped him launch his career.

Marko Lammervo held his first exhibition in 1992 in Helsinki, Finland. The first exhibition was a success with lots of positive feedback from the public. For Marko, it proved that he had made the right career choice. 

Lammervo believes that it’s importan to observe nature constantly. Only then can one illustrate animals as naturalistically as possible.

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